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Search Results (15)

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Review of bilirubin neurotoxicity II: preventing and treating acute bilirubin encephalopathy and kernicterus spectrum disorders.Academic Article Why?
Kernicterus Spectrum Disorders Diagnostic Toolkit: validation using retrospective chart review.Academic Article Why?
Predictive and diagnostic measures for kernicterus spectrum disorder: a prospective cohort study.Academic Article Why?
The Neurological Sequelae of Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia: Definitions, Diagnosis and Treatment of the Kernicterus Spectrum Disorders (KSDs).Academic Article Why?
A Hypothesis for Using Pathway Genetic Load Analysis for Understanding Complex Outcomes in Bilirubin Encephalopathy.Academic Article Why?
Le Pichon, Jean-BaptistePerson Why?
KernicterusConcept Why?
MGE-Like Neural Progenitor Cell Survival and Expression of Parvalbumin and Proenkephalin in a Jaundiced Rat Model of Kernicterus.Academic Article Why?
Gelineau-Morel, RosePerson Why?
Review of bilirubin neurotoxicity I: molecular biology and neuropathology of disease.Academic Article Why?
Understanding Complex Outcomes with Pathway Genetic Load Analysis: Key Epistatic Interactions in Bilrubin EncephalopathyGrant Why?
The genetic response to neurotoxic bilirubin in jaundiced rats before and after administration of bilirubin-displacing drugsGrant Why?
Yeh, Hung-WenPerson Why?
Vivian, JayPerson Why?
Where do we stand in the field of neonatal jaundice? Commentary on the 2017 J. Donald Ostrow Trieste Yellow Retreat.Academic Article Why?
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  • Bilirubin Encephalopathy
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