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Search Results (38)

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Fifty Years of Unraveling the Clinical Pharmacology of Corticosteroids.Academic Article Why?
From Dose to Exposure: Shifting the Paradigm of Pediatric Clinical Pharmacology Research and Education.Academic Article Why?
Scholarly Productivity in Clinical Pharmacology Amid Pandemic-Related Workforce Disruptions: Are Men and Women Affected Equally?Academic Article Why?
The Patient-Centered Future of Clinical Pharmacology.Academic Article Why?
Leeder, J. StevenPerson Why?
Wagner, JonathanPerson Why?
Oxazolidinones: Clinical pharmacology and use in the treatment of resistant gram-positive infectionsAcademic Article Why?
The beta-lactamase inhibitors: clinical pharmacology and rational application to combination antibiotic therapy.Academic Article Why?
Children’s Center for Clinical Pharmacology Studies (Pediatric Pharmacology Research Unit)Grant Why?
Clinical Pharmacology and ToxicologyDepartment Why?
National Career Development Program for Researchers in Pediatric Clinical PharmacologyGrant Why?
Pharmacology, ClinicalConcept Why?
McLaughlin, MatthewPerson Why?
Stancil, StephaniPerson Why?
Kyler, KatePerson Why?
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  • Clinical Pharmacology
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