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Search Results (16)

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Cerebral Palsy in Child Neurology and Neurodevelopmental Disabilities Training: An Unmet Need.Academic Article Why?
Le Pichon, Jean-BaptistePerson Why?
Abdelmoity, AhmedPerson Why?
Practice parameter: evaluation of the child with microcephaly (an evidence-based review): report of the quality standards subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology and the Practice Committee of the Child Neurology Society.Academic Article Why?
Gelineau-Morel, RosePerson Why?
The 2017 Pediatric Neurology Training Publication Award.Academic Article Why?
SIGnature Libraries: A roadmap for the formation of special interest group librariesAcademic Article Why?
Development of an Internet-Based Headache Management System for TeensGrant Why?
Meoded, AvnerPerson Why?
Connelly, MarkPerson Why?
Barriers, access and management of paediatric epilepsy with telehealth.Academic Article Why?
Hoffman, MarkPerson Why?
Pastinen, TomiPerson Why?
Leeder, J. StevenPerson Why?
Pretreatment EEG in childhood absence epilepsy: associations with attention and treatment outcome.Academic Article Why?
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