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Search Results (29)

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Leeder, J. StevenPerson Why?
Considerations for Implementing Precision Therapeutics for Children.Academic Article Why?
Pharmacogenomics and implementation of precision therapeutics in the neonatal ICU: a new frontier?Academic Article Why?
Precision therapeutics in the NICU: why are we missing the mark?Academic Article Why?
Identifying Effective Treatments for Dystonia in Patients With Cerebral Palsy: A Precision Therapeutics Approach.Academic Article Why?
Gelineau-Morel, RosePerson Why?
Description of an Innovative Pediatric Individualized Therapeutics Clinic: Working toward Precision Drug Therapy.Academic Article Why?
Stancil, StephaniPerson Why?
Ten Years' Experience with the CYP2D6 Activity Score: A Perspective on Future Investigations to Improve Clinical Predictions for Precision Therapeutics.Academic Article Why?
Pediatric Beta Blocker Therapy: A Comprehensive Review of Development and Genetic Variation to Guide Precision-Based Therapy in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults.Academic Article Why?
Precision dosing of vancomycin: in defence of AUC-guided therapy in children.Academic Article Why?
Pharmacogenetics: Chasing Perfection.Academic Article Why?
Reply to Rational drug repositioning by medical genetics.Academic Article Why?
Use of genome-wide association studies for drug repositioning.Academic Article Why?
Wagner, JonathanPerson Why?
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