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Search Results (35)

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Leeder, J. StevenPerson Why?
Description of an Innovative Pediatric Individualized Therapeutics Clinic: Working toward Precision Drug Therapy.Academic Article Why?
Pediatric Beta Blocker Therapy: A Comprehensive Review of Development and Genetic Variation to Guide Precision-Based Therapy in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults.Academic Article Why?
War of Attrition: Predicting Dropout from Pediatric Weight ManagementGrant Why?
Wagner, JonathanPerson Why?
Stancil, StephaniPerson Why?
Less Lumping, Smarter Splitting: Genomics and Metabolomics of Systemic Steroid Response in Bronchopulmonary DysplasiaGrant Why?
Integrated exosomes profiling for minimally invasive diagnosis and monitoring of cancerGrant Why?
Hampl, SarahPerson Why?
Gaedigk, AndreaPerson Why?
Sampath, VenkateshPerson Why?
Sweeney, BrookePerson Why?
McLaughlin, MatthewPerson Why?
Ramsey, LauraPerson Why?
Gelineau-Morel, RosePerson Why?
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  • Pediatric
  • Precision
  • Therapeutics
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