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Search Results (17)

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Reprogramming of Primary Human Cells to Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Using Sendai Virus.Academic Article Why?
Vivian, JayPerson Why?
Induced pluripotent stem cell models for pediatric KMT2A-r leukemia development and discovery of targeted therapiesGrant Why?
Induced pluripotent stem cell models for pediatric KMT2A-r leukemia development and discovery or targeted therapiesGrant Why?
Induced Pluripotent Stem CellsConcept Why?
Pluripotent Stem CellsConcept Why?
Autocrine FGF feedback can establish distinct states of Nanog expression in pluripotent stem cells: a computational analysis.Academic Article Why?
A CRISPR genetic screen in an induced pluripotent stem cell model to discover modifiers of therapy-related pediatric leukemiaGrant Why?
A CRISPR genetic screen in an induced pluripotent stem cell model to discover modifiers of therapy-related pediatric leukemiaGrant Why?
Identification of rare and common regulatory variants in pluripotent cells using population-scale transcriptomics.Academic Article Why?
TGF-?-superfamily signaling regulates embryonic stem cell heterogeneity: self-renewal as a dynamic and regulated equilibrium.Academic Article Why?
Guest, ErinPerson Why?
Transforming growth factor-beta superfamily in mouse embryonic stem cell self-renewal.Academic Article Why?
?-Catenin and Associated Proteins Regulate Lineage Differentiation in Ground State Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells.Academic Article Why?
Smail, CraigPerson Why?
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