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Search Results (44)

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A Mixed-Methods Protocol to Identify Best Practices for Implementing Pharmacogenetic Testing in Clinical Settings.Academic Article Why?
Views on human papillomavirus vaccination: a mixed-methods study of urban youth.Academic Article Why?
Gender-Affirming Psychological Assessment with Youth and Families: A Mixed Methods ExaminationAcademic Article Why?
Hurley, EmilyPerson Why?
Indirect Standardization as a Case Mix Adjustment Method to Improve Comparison of Children's Hospitals' Antimicrobial Use.Academic Article Why?
Patient-provider communication styles in HIV treatment programs in Bamako, Mali: A mixed-methods study to define dimensions and measure patient preferences.Academic Article Why?
Piloting Home Produce Delivery to Improve Food Security, Budget, and Diet in Families with Children: A Mixed-Methods Study.Academic Article Why?
Recovering from substance use disorders during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic: A mixed-methods longitudinal study of women in Kansas City.Academic Article Why?
Women's preferences, expectations, and experiences with male partner support throughout prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV services: a mixed-methods study.Academic Article Why?
"I Don't Want Them to Feel Different": A Mixed Methods Study of Parents' Beliefs and Dietary Management Strategies for Their Young Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus.Academic Article Why?
Implementation contextual factors related to community-based active travel to school interventions: a mixed methods interview study.Academic Article Why?
Mixed Methods Needs Assessment of Suicide Risk Identification In Youth on the Autism Spectrum: A DBPNet StudyGrant Why?
Using a Mixed-method Approach to Develop a Transition Program for Young Adults With Inflammatory Bowel Disease.Academic Article Why?
Yeh, Hung-WenPerson Why?
Nadler, CyPerson Why?
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