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Search Results (148)

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Immunogenicity in Clinical Practice and Drug Development: When is it Significant?Academic Article Why?
Understanding the relative roles of pharmacogenetics and ontogeny in pediatric drug development and regulatory science.Academic Article Why?
Leeder, J. StevenPerson Why?
2019 Drug Metabolism Gordon Research Conference Guiding Drug Development Using Translational ADME ScienceGrant Why?
Translating pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics into drug development for clinical pediatrics and beyond.Academic Article Why?
Special populations and pharmacogenetic issues in tuberculosis drug development and clinical research.Academic Article Why?
Park, TaejuPerson Why?
Pediatric pharmacokinetics: human development and drug disposition.Academic Article Why?
Toren, PaulPerson Why?
Model-based approach for methoxy polyethylene glycol-epoetin beta drug development in paediatric patients with anaemia of chronic kidney disease.Academic Article Why?
Identifying genomic and developmental causes of adverse drug reactions in children.Academic Article Why?
Developmental pharmacology--drug disposition, action, and therapy in infants and children.Academic Article Why?
Developmental aspects of drug metabolism in childrenAcademic Article Why?
Effect of diet on the development of drug metabolism by cytochrome P-450 enzymes in healthy infants.Academic Article Why?
Gaedigk, AndreaPerson Why?
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