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Search Results (61)

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Leeder, J. StevenPerson Why?
Ontogeny of Pediatric Pharmacogenetics: Celebrating the Past and Vision for the Future.Academic Article Why?
Perspectives from the Society for Pediatric Research: pharmacogenetics for pediatricians.Academic Article Why?
Conference scene: pediatric pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine.Academic Article Why?
Developmental and pediatric pharmacogenomics.Academic Article Why?
The challenges of delivering pharmacogenomics into clinical pediatrics.Academic Article Why?
Pharmacogenetics in pediatrics. Implications for practice.Academic Article Why?
Wagner, JonathanPerson Why?
Gaedigk, AndreaPerson Why?
Pharmacogenetics of treating pediatric anxiety and depression.Academic Article Why?
Translating pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics into drug development for clinical pediatrics and beyond.Academic Article Why?
Ramsey, LauraPerson Why?
Pharmacogenetics of Sertraline Tolerability and Response in Pediatric Anxiety and Depressive Disorders.Academic Article Why?
Pharmacogenomics in pediatric rheumatology.Academic Article Why?
Fluticasone propionate pharmacogenetics: CYP3A4*22 polymorphism and pediatric asthma control.Academic Article Why?
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  • Pediatric
  • Pharmacogenetics
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