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Search Results (43)

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Chronic stomatitis: an early sign of Crohn's disease.Academic Article Why?
Single-incision laparoscopic ileocecectomy in children with Crohn's disease.Academic Article Why?
Pediatric jejunoileitis: a severe Crohn's disease phenotype that requires intensive nutritional management.Academic Article Why?
Sulphasalazine in asymptomatic Crohn's disease. A multicentre trial.Academic Article Why?
St Peter, ShawnPerson Why?
A child presents with perianal symptoms - how often is this Crohn's disease?Academic Article Why?
Effect of Crohn's Disease on Villous Length and CYP3A4 Expression in the Pediatric Small Intestine.Academic Article Why?
Prospective observational study on Stelara (ustekinumab) assessing effectiveness in Crohn's disease (PROSE): a 16-week follow-up.Academic Article Why?
Decreased Pregnane X Receptor Expression in Children with Active Crohn's Disease.Academic Article Why?
Pediatric Crohn disease presenting as appendicitis: differentiating features from typical appendicitis.Academic Article Why?
Liver enzyme elevations within 3 months of diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease and likelihood of liver disease.Academic Article Why?
Safety of infliximab treatment in pediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease.Academic Article Why?
Lim-Beutel, IrisPerson Why?
Friesen, CraigPerson Why?
Leeder, J. StevenPerson Why?
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