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Search Results to Shannon L. Carpenter

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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Carpenter, Shannon

keywords Hemophilia
research overview Dr. Carpenter's research focuses on bleeding and clotting disorders. She has published multiple collaborative manuscripts regarding the risk for and prevention of venous thromboembolism in hospitalized pediatric patients. She is currently leading a national trial investigating the development of inhibitors in untreated children with hemophilia. Additionally, she is involved in studies of bleeding disorders in women and girls and rare bleeding disorders. Dr. Carpenter also collaborates with Child Abuse Pediatricians regarding the work-up for bleeding disorders in children suspected of being abused.

One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Carpenter, Shannon

Item TypeName
Concept Hemophilia A
Academic Article Using dried blood spots for variant analysis for patients with haemophilia.
Academic Article Anti-inhibitor coagulant complex prophylaxis in hemophilia with inhibitors.
Academic Article Increased prevalence of inhibitors in Hispanic patients with severe haemophilia A enrolled in the Universal Data Collection database.
Academic Article Challenges in the evaluation for possible abuse: presentations of congenital bleeding disorders in childhood.
Academic Article Why plasma-derived factor VIII?
Academic Article Hepatitis B vaccination is effective by subcutaneous route in children with bleeding disorders: a universal data collection database analysis.
Academic Article The development of pulmonary embolus in patients with haemophilia A and high-titre inhibitors - a case series and review of the literature.
Academic Article Novel treatment of combined factor V and factor VIII deficiency with Factor Eight Inhibitor Bypass Activity.
Academic Article Prophylactic bypassing agent use before and during immune tolerance induction in patients with haemophilia A and inhibitors to FVIII.
Academic Article Radionuclide synovectomy/synoviorthesis (RS) in patients with bleeding disorders: A review of patient and procedure demographics and functional outcomes in the ATHNdataset.
Academic Article Radionuclide synovectomy/synoviorthesis (RS) in persons with bleeding disorders: A review of impact of national guidance on frequency of RS using the ATHNdataset.
Academic Article Factor VII deficiency diagnosed after minor genital trauma.
Academic Article Health-related quality of life in patients with haemophilia and inhibitors on prophylaxis with anti-inhibitor complex concentrate: results from the Pro-FEIBA study
Academic Article Current prescription of prophylactic factor infusions and perceived adherence for children and adolescents with haemophilia: a survey of haemophilia healthcare professionals in the United States.
Academic Article a2- Antiplasmin and its deficiency: Fibrinolysis out of balance
Academic Article Design and Usability of an Electronic Health Record-Integrated, Point-of-Care, Clinical Decision Support Tool for Modeling and Simulation of Antihemophilic Factors.
Academic Article A Prospective Observational Study of Antihemophilic Factor (Recombinant) Prophylaxis Related to Physical Activity Levels in Patients with Hemophilia A in the United States (SPACE).
Academic Article A phase IV, multicentre, open-label study of emicizumab prophylaxis in people with haemophilia A with or without FVIII inhibitors undergoing minor surgical procedures.
Academic Article Depression and anxiety in persons with Von Willebrand disease.
Academic Article Building the foundation for a community-generated national research blueprint for inherited bleeding disorders: facilitating research through infrastructure, workforce, resources and funding.
Academic Article Trends in dedicated care for females with bleeding disorders within U.S. hemophilia treatment centers.
Academic Article Long-term follow-up of patients with congenital thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura receiving a plasma-derived factor VIII (Koate) that contains ADAMTS13.

Search Criteria
  • Hemophilia A