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Search Results to Shawn D St Peter

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One or more keywords matched the following properties of St Peter, Shawn

research overview After training in both clinical and basic science research, Dr. St Peter has focused his career on comparative effectiveness studies particularly in the form of prospective randomized trials and iterative prospective observational studies comparing established care paradigms. The direction of this work has always been toward decreasing the negative impact care strategies have on patients, their families and the healthcare system. This includes decreasing pain after surgery, duration of medical therapy, days in the hospital, doses of medication and total healthcare costs. In addition he has challenged the need for common operations to further decrease the burden diseases have on children and families. As a result of these efforts there has been a decrease in the unnecessary variation in care through the protocols in place for the common surgical conditions which are supported by high levels of evidence.

One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to St Peter, Shawn

Search Criteria
  • Health Care Costs