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Search Results to Bradley A. Warady

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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Warady, Bradley

Item TypeName
Concept Body Height
Academic Article Growth and development of infants with end-stage renal disease receiving long-term peritoneal dialysis.
Academic Article Chronic dialysis in children and adolescents. The 1996 annual report of the North American Pediatric Renal Transplant Cooperative Study.
Academic Article Hypogammaglobulinemia in infants and young children maintained on peritoneal dialysis. Pediatric Dialysis Study Consortium.
Academic Article Estimating total body water in children on the basis of height and weight: a reevaluation of the formulas of Mellits and Cheek.
Academic Article Longitudinal analysis of intermediate outcomes in adolescent hemodialysis patients.
Academic Article Short stature and growth hormone use in pediatric hemodialysis patients.
Academic Article Anthropometric prediction of total body water in children who are on pediatric peritoneal dialysis.
Academic Article Assessment and treatment of short stature in pediatric patients with chronic kidney disease: a consensus statement.
Academic Article Use of rhGH in children with chronic kidney disease: lessons from NAPRTCS.
Academic Article New equations to estimate GFR in children with CKD.
Academic Article The effect of rhGH on height velocity and BMI in children with CKD: a report of the NAPRTCS registry.
Academic Article First-year response to rhGH therapy in children with CKD: a National Cooperative Growth Study Report.
Academic Article The association between abnormal birth history and growth in children with CKD.
Academic Article Defining left ventricular hypertrophy in children on peritoneal dialysis.
Academic Article Improved equations estimating GFR in children with chronic kidney disease using an immunonephelometric determination of cystatin C.
Academic Article The impact of short stature on health-related quality of life in children with chronic kidney disease.
Academic Article Growth in children with chronic kidney disease: a report from the Chronic Kidney Disease in Children Study.
Academic Article Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors and Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Girls and Boys With CKD.
Academic Article Relationships of Measured Iohexol GFR and Estimated GFR With CKD-Related Biomarkers in Children and Adolescents.
Academic Article Short stature in advanced pediatric CKD is associated with faster time to reduced kidney function after transplant.
Academic Article Delayed menarche in girls with chronic kidney disease and the association with short stature.
Academic Article Patterns of recombinant growth hormone therapy use and growth responses among children with chronic kidney disease.

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  • Body Height