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Search Results to Ryan T. Fischer

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research overview Dr. Fischer is a board-certified Pediatric Gastroenterologist and Transplant Hepatologist at Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City. He has a strong interest in translational research related to liver disease and transplantation, and novel therapeutics to treat disordered inflammation in the liver. Dr. Fischer’s background in the lab includes basic research in dendritic cell biology, antigen presentation and cell-based immunotherapy. In collaboration with the University of Kansas’s Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics, he is working to harness the potential of regulatory T cells for the modulation of liver allograft rejection. Clinically, his focus is on the diagnosis and treatment of liver disease in children, with a great deal of time devoted to children that need or have undergone liver transplantation. The hepatology team specializes in fatty liver disease, drug-induced liver injury, progressive liver fibrosis, and liver disease related to congenital heart disease.

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  • Cooperative Behavior