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Search Results to Brooke Fridley

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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Fridley, Brooke

research overview Dr. Fridley joined Children’s Mercy in December of 2023 as the Director of the Biostatistics and Epidemiology Core within the Division of Health Services and Outcomes Research. She is also Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Missouri – Kansas City and is a member of the University of Kansas Cancer Center (KUCC). Before joining Children’s Mercy, she was the Chair of the Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics and Scientific Director for the CCSG Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Shared Resource at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, FL. She has extensive experience as a collaborating biostatistician and has worked on numerous cancer research studies over the course of her career. These research collaborations have resulted in over 290 publications and 6 NIH grants for which she was Principal Investigator. She also has extensive experience mentoring trainees and was MPI of a T32 entitled “Integrative Program in Cancer and Data Science” from NIH/NCI. The Fridley lab is focused on development of novel statistical and bioinformatic methods to answer questions that arise in cancer research. Recently, her lab has been working on analytical methods for understanding the spatial architecture of the tumor immune microenvironment and how this is related to clinical outcomes by leveraging the information from spatial single-cell protein and spatial transcriptomic experiments.

One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Fridley, Brooke

Item TypeName
Concept Computational Biology
Academic Article Subject level clustering using a negative binomial model for small transcriptomic studies.
Academic Article Imputation and subset-based association analysis across different cancer types identifies multiple independent risk loci in the TERT-CLPTM1L region on chromosome 5p15.33.
Academic Article Fine-mapping of the HNF1B multicancer locus identifies candidate variants that mediate endometrial cancer risk.
Academic Article Genome-wide Analysis Identifies Novel Loci Associated with Ovarian Cancer Outcomes: Findings from the Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium.
Academic Article Comprehensive genetic assessment of the ESR1 locus identifies a risk region for endometrial cancer.
Academic Article InterSIM: Simulation tool for multiple integrative 'omic datasets'.
Academic Article Drug discovery using clinical outcome-based Connectivity Mapping: application to ovarian cancer.
Academic Article Integrative clustering of multi-level 'omic data based on non-negative matrix factorization algorithm.
Academic Article GMSimpute: a generalized two-step Lasso approach to impute missing values in label-free mass spectrum analysis.
Academic Article Statistical genomics in rare cancer.
Academic Article Statistical and Bioinformatics Analysis of Data from Bulk and Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Experiments.
Academic Article spatialTIME and iTIME: R package and Shiny application for visualization and analysis of immunofluorescence data.
Academic Article spatialGE: quantification and visualization of the tumor microenvironment heterogeneity using spatial transcriptomics.
Academic Article Statistical analysis of single-cell protein data.
Academic Article Identifying the genetic variation of gene expression using gene sets: application of novel gene Set eQTL approach to PharmGKB and KEGG.
Academic Article Kernel canonical correlation analysis for assessing gene-gene interactions and application to ovarian cancer.
Academic Article Identification of novel variants in colorectal cancer families by high-throughput exome sequencing.
Academic Article PurBayes: estimating tumor cellularity and subclonality in next-generation sequencing data.
Academic Article BatchFLEX: feature-level equalization of X-batch.

Search Criteria
  • Bioinformatics