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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Clinical Impact of Multiplex Molecular Diagnostic Testing in Children with Acute Gastroenteritis Presenting to An Emergency Department: A Multicenter Prospective Study.

information resource reference Pavia AT, Cohen DM, Leber AL, Daly JA, Jackson JT, Selvarangan R, Kanwar N, Bender JM, Bard JD, Festekjian A, Duffy S, Larsen C, Holmberg KM, Bardsley T, Haaland B, Bourzac KM, Stockmann C, Chapin KC, Leung DT. Clinical Impact of Multiplex Molecular Diagnostic Testing in Children with Acute Gastroenteritis Presenting to An Emergency Department: A Multicenter Prospective Study. medRxiv. 2023 Jul 31.
label Clinical Impact of Multiplex Molecular Diagnostic Testing in Children with Acute Gastroenteritis Presenting to An Emergency Department: A Multicenter Prospective Study.

Search Criteria
  • Diagnostic Testing Molecular