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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Phenotypic expansion and variable expressivity in individuals with JARID2-related intellectual disability: A case series.

has major subject area list Autistic Disorder; Intellectual Disability
information resource reference Cadieux-Dion M, Farrow E, Thiffault I, Cohen ASA, Welsh H, Bartik L, Schwager C, Engleman K, Zhou D, Zhang L, Repnikova E, Amudhavalli SM, Saunders CJ. Phenotypic expansion and variable expressivity in individuals with JARID2-related intellectual disability: A case series. Clin Genet. 2022 08; 102(2):136-141.
label Phenotypic expansion and variable expressivity in individuals with JARID2-related intellectual disability: A case series.

Search Criteria
  • Intellectual Disability