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Search Results to Emily Cramer

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research overview Dr. Cramer is a faculty researcher with the Biostatistics and Epidemiology Core in the Health Services and Outcomes Division at Children’s Mercy Research Institute. She specializes in large-scale statistical models, including multilevel regression, mediation models, and latent variable model approaches such as structural equation modeling. Dr. Cramer’s applied research is primarily focused on relationships between organizational practices and outcomes for both patients and clinicians. In particular, she is interested in the impact of work environment on clinician burnout, moral distress, and turnover and the subsequent impact on the quality and safety of patient care.

One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Cramer, Emily

Item TypeName
Concept Attitude of Health Personnel
Concept Mental Health
Concept Quality of Health Care
Concept Health Behavior
Concept Rural Health Services
Concept Urban Health Services
Concept Quality Indicators, Health Care
Concept Moving and Lifting Patients
Concept Patient Safety
Concept Patient Acuity
Concept Social Determinants of Health
Academic Article Longitudinal Association of Registered Nurse National Nursing Specialty Certification and Patient Falls in Acute Care Hospitals.
Academic Article Reliability of Pressure Ulcer Rates: How Precisely Can We Differentiate Among Hospital Units, and Does the Standard Signal-Noise Reliability Measure Reflect This Precision?
Academic Article Nursing Skill Mix, Nurse Staffing Level, and Physical Restraint Use in US Hospitals: a Longitudinal Study.
Academic Article Can Nursing Units With High Fall Rates Be Identified Using One Year of Data? Reliability of Fall Rates As a Function of the Number of Quarters on Which They Are Based.
Academic Article Moving nursing beyond p?
Academic Article Unit-level variation in bed alarm use in US hospitals.
Academic Article Fall Prevention Practices and Implementation Strategies: Examining Consistency Across Hospital Units.
Academic Article The relationship between direct-care RN specialty certification and surgical patient outcomes.
Academic Article Reports From RNs on Safe Patient Handling and Mobility Programs in Acute Care Hospital Units.
Academic Article Relationship of Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Certified Nurses and Healthcare-Acquired Conditions in Acute Care Hospitals.
Academic Article Association of Patient Acuity and Missed Nursing Care in U.S. Neonatal Intensive Care Units.
Academic Article Effect of a Longitudinal Interprofessional Education Passport Program on Nursing Students' Attitudes Toward Interprofessional Practice.
Academic Article Effect of preventive care interventions on pressure ulcer rates in a national sample of rural and urban nursing units: Longitudinal associations over 4 years.
Academic Article Examining the measurement invariance of the Practice Environment Scale-Nursing Work Index in the United States.
Academic Article Hospital nurses' moral distress and mental health during COVID-19.
Academic Article The influence of nurse manager competency on practice environment, missed nursing care, and patient care quality: A cross-sectional study of nurse managers in U.S. hospitals.
Academic Article Measuring moral distress in nurses during a pandemic: Development and validation of the COVID-MDS.
Academic Article The use of virtual tools in narrowing the impact of health disparities in neurology.
Academic Article Exploring cultural differences in women's body weight perception: The impact of self-construal on perceived overweight and engagement in health activities.
Academic Article Impact of Perceived Barriers on Patient Engagement and Attitudes towards Transition and Transfer.
Academic Article Relationships among nurse managers' job design, work environment, and nurse and patient outcomes.
Academic Article Nurses' moral distress and leadership communication in hospitals serving Black patients during COVID-19.
Academic Article Impacts of zero-fare transit policy on health and social determinants: protocol for a natural experiment study.

Search Criteria
  • Patient
  • Health
  • Outcomes