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Search Results to Andrea Bradley-Ewing

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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Bradley-Ewing, Andrea

keywords Health Disparities
overview Andrea Bradley Ewing, M.A., MPA, is the Director of Community Engaged Research in the Division of Health Services and Outcomes Research at Children’s Mercy Kansas City. For more than a decade Ms. Bradley-Ewing has garnered extensive experience conducting community engaged and community based participatory research (CBPR) studies, including directing large intervention trials exploring the utility of behavioral counseling strategies, such as cognitive behavioral therapy and Motivational Interviewing (MI) to promote health behavior change. She has collaborated with patients and families, heath care providers, and faith and community-based organizations to address health issues including HIV, diabetes, and heart disease affecting underrepresented communities. Most recently Ms. Bradley-Ewing partnered with English and Spanish speaking families on a Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) funded project to develop resources to reduce inappropriate antibiotic use among pediatric patients and is currently partnering with parents and community organization in developing and refining interventions to increase vaccination uptake among adolescents and coronavirus testing in African American faith communities.

One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Bradley-Ewing, Andrea

Item TypeName
Concept Attitude to Health
Concept Community Health Services
Concept Health Education
Concept Health Priorities
Concept Health Promotion
Concept Health Resources
Concept Health Status
Concept Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
Concept Mental Health
Concept Patient Acceptance of Health Care
Concept Patient Care Team
Concept Patient Compliance
Concept Patient Education as Topic
Concept Patient Participation
Concept Physician-Patient Relations
Concept Primary Health Care
Concept Health Behavior
Concept Patient Satisfaction
Concept Patient Selection
Concept Patient-Centered Care
Concept Delivery of Health Care, Integrated
Concept Health Status Disparities
Concept Consumer Health Information
Concept Health Communication
Academic Article Harnessing Teams and Technology to Improve Outcomes in Infants With Single Ventricle.
Academic Article If We Would Only Ask: How Henrietta Lacks Continues to Teach Us About Perceptions of Research and Genetic Research Among African Americans Today.
Academic Article Protocol for a randomised trial of higher versus lower intensity patient-provider communication interventions to reduce antibiotic misuse in two paediatric ambulatory clinics in the USA.
Academic Article A qualitative examination of the indirect effects of modified directly observed therapy on health behaviors other than adherence.
Academic Article Adapting effective narrative-based HIV-prevention interventions to increase minorities' engagement in HIV/AIDS services.
Academic Article Taking It to the Pews: a CBPR-guided HIV awareness and screening project with black churches.
Academic Article Patient communication tools to enhance ART adherence counseling in low and high resource settings.
Academic Article Motivational Interviewing for encouraging quit attempts among unmotivated smokers: study protocol of a randomized, controlled, efficacy trial.
Academic Article A pilot study to improve adherence among MS patients who discontinue treatment against medical advice.
Academic Article A Randomized Trial of Motivational Interviewing: Cessation Induction Among Smokers With Low Desire to Quit.
Academic Article Recruiting unmotivated smokers into a smoking induction trial.
Academic Article Resource Utilized in a Randomized Clinical Trial to Recruit Smokers with Low Motivation to Quit.
Academic Article Baseline predictors of DMT reinitiation among patients with multiple sclerosis following an MI-CBT intervention.
Academic Article Identifying health conditions, priorities, and relevant multilevel health promotion intervention strategies in African American churches: A faith community health needs assessment.
Academic Article Feasibility and Outcomes of an HIV Testing Intervention in African American Churches.
Academic Article Measuring shared decision-making in the pediatric outpatient setting: Psychometric performance of the SDM-Q-9 and CollaboRATE among English and Spanish speaking parents in the US Midwest.
Academic Article Reasons for nonadherence and response to treatment in an adherence intervention trial for relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients.
Academic Article A religiously-tailored, multilevel intervention in African American churches to increase HIV testing: Rationale and design of the Taking It to the Pews cluster randomized trial.
Academic Article Motivational Interviewing to Encourage Quit Attempts Among Smokers Not Ready to Quit: A Trial-Based Economic Analysis.
Academic Article A Multilevel Diabetes and CVD Risk Reduction Intervention in African American Churches: Project Faith Influencing Transformation (FIT) Feasibility and Outcomes.
Academic Article Reductions in Parent Interest in Receiving Antibiotics following a 90-Second Video Intervention in Outpatient Pediatric Clinics.
Academic Article Exploring HIV Risk and Ex-Offender Status Among African American Church Populations: Considerations for Faith-Based Settings.
Academic Article Validation of the ask suicide-screening questions (ASQ) with youth in outpatient specialty and primary care clinics.
Academic Article Differential mechanisms of change in motivational interviewing versus health education for smoking cessation induction.
Academic Article A pilot intervention combining assessment and feedback with communication training and behavioral nudges to increase HPV vaccine uptake.
Academic Article Demographic Characteristics Among Members of Patient Family Advisory Councils at a Pediatric Health System.
Academic Article Developing a community-led rare disease ELSI research agenda.
Academic Article Have a Little Faith: Overcoming Pandemic-Related Challenges to Designing and Implementing a COVID-19 Testing Trial in African American Churches.

Search Criteria
  • Patient
  • Health
  • Outcomes