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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Society of Behavioral Medicine Position Statement: Congress should protect immigrants seeking health care.

has major subject area list Behavioral Medicine; Health Policy; Law Enforcement; Patient Acceptance of Health Care; Societies, Medical; Undocumented Immigrants
information resource reference Behrman P, Fitzgibbon M, Buscemi J, Sanchez-Johnsen L, Laroche H, Yanez B, Gonzales R, Gwede CK, Raja S, Jacobson L, Gil-Rivas V, Tam-Ashing K. Society of Behavioral Medicine Position Statement: Congress should protect immigrants seeking health care. Transl Behav Med. 2019 11 25; 9(6):1244-1247.
label Society of Behavioral Medicine Position Statement: Congress should protect immigrants seeking health care.

Search Criteria
  • Psychology Health