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Search Results to Rebecca M. Rentea

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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Rentea, Rebecca

keywords Hirschsprung disease
research overview Dr. Rentea is an Associate Professor of Surgery at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine, and a practicing pediatric surgeon at Children’s Mercy Hospital Kansas City. She is the Director of the Comprehensive Colorectal Center (CCC) in the Department of Surgery. She is a member of multiple surgical societies including the Association for Academic Surgery, International Pediatric Endosurgery Group, American Academy of Pediatrics, and American Pediatric Surgical Association. She currently serves on national committees for these organizations. Her research focuses on the outcomes, quality of life, surgical approach, and evaluation, for children born with complex colorectal and pelvic reconstructive needs. She is involved in both retrospective and prospective studies for children born with Cloaca, Hirschsprung disease, Anorectal Malformation, and severe colonic dysmotility. Moreover, through partnering with the Pediatric Colorectal and Pelvic Learning Consortium (PCPLC), questions regarding rare, serious, and long-term answers regarding pediatric surgical patients can be determined. Dr. Rentea is particularly interested in understanding the outcomes and long-term quality of life needs as well as protocolizing care for this group of children.

One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Rentea, Rebecca

Item TypeName
Concept Hirschsprung Disease
Academic Article When a Surgical Colleague Makes an Error.
Academic Article Preliminary Use of Indocyanine Green Fluorescence Angiography and Value in Predicting the Vascular Supply of Tissues Needed to Perform Cloacal, Anorectal Malformation, and Hirschsprung Reconstructions.
Academic Article Transanal-only Swenson-like pull-through for late diagnosed Hirschsprung disease.
Academic Article Total Colonic Hirschsprung's Disease: The Hypermotility and Skin Rash Protocol.
Academic Article Inpatient management of Hirschsprung's associated enterocolitis treatment: the benefits of standardized care.
Academic Article Impact of Botulinum Toxin on Hirschsprung-Associated Enterocolitis After Primary Pull-Through.
Academic Article Post-operative enterocolitis in Hirschsprung's disease: response to a Letter to the Editor.
Academic Article Management and outcomes for long-segment Hirschsprung disease: A systematic review from the APSA Outcomes and Evidence Based Practice Committee.
Academic Article Perioperative and long-term functional outcomes of neonatal versus delayed primary endorectal pull-through for children with Hirschsprung disease: A pediatric colorectal and pelvic learning consortium study.
Academic Article Psychosocial factors affecting quality of life in patients with anorectal malformation and Hirschsprung disease-a qualitative systematic review.
Academic Article The impact of botulinum injection for hospitalized children with Hirschsprung-associated enterocolitis.
Academic Article Outpatient Botulinum Injections for Early Obstructive Symptoms in Patients with Hirschsprung Disease.
Academic Article Routine botulinum toxin injection one month after a Swenson pull-through does not change the incidence of Hirschsprung associated enterocolitis.
Academic Article Management of Hirschsprung associated enterocolitis-How different are practice strategies? An international pediatric endosurgery group (IPEG) survey.
Academic Article Characterizing the use of botulinum toxin in patients with Hirschsprung disease treated at referral institutions for pediatric colorectal surgery.
Academic Article The utilization of botulinum toxin for Hirschsprung disease.
Academic Article Do Histologic Features of the Proximal Margin of Resected Specimens Predict Clinical Outcomes in Hirschsprung Disease?
Academic Article Hirschsprung-associated inflammatory bowel disease: A multicenter study from the APSA Hirschsprung disease interest group.
Academic Article State of the Art Bowel Management for Pediatric Colorectal Problems: Hirschsprung Disease.
Academic Article Evaluation of Post-neonatal Intensive Care Unit Home Irrigations Prior to Pull-through: Implications for Hirschsprung Disease Management.
Academic Article Does Delayed Diagnosis of Hirschsprung Disease Impact Post-operative and Functional Outcomes? A Multi-Center Review From the Pediatric Colorectal and Pelvic Learning Consortium.
Academic Article Commentary- Bridging the Gap: The Impact of Bowel Management Programs on Daily Life in Pediatric Colorectal Disease.
Academic Article Evaluation and Management of Total Colonic Hirschsprung Disease: A Comprehensive Review From the American Pediatric Surgical Association (APSA) Hirschsprung Disease Interest Group.

Search Criteria
  • Total Colonic Aganglionosis