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Search Results to Tolu A Oyetunji

This is a "connection" page, showing the details of why an item matched the keywords from your search.


One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Oyetunji, Tolu

Item TypeName
Concept Abdominal Injuries
Concept Abdominal Pain
Concept Kidney Transplantation
Concept Abdominal Abscess
Academic Article Self-reported Outcomes After Cholecystectomy for Pediatric Hyperkinetic Biliary Dyskinesia.
Academic Article Non-operative management of solid organ injuries in children: An American Pediatric Surgical Association Outcomes and Evidence Based Practice Committee systematic review.
Academic Article Abdominal compartment syndrome in traumatic hemorrhagic shock: is there a fluid resuscitation inflection point associated with increased risk?
Academic Article Females have fewer complications and lower mortality following trauma than similarly injured males: a risk adjusted analysis of adults in the National Trauma Data Bank.
Academic Article Effect of donor ethnicity on kidney survival in different recipient pairs: an analysis of the OPTN/UNOS database.
Academic Article "Acute Appendicitis Following Abdominal Trauma: A Review." Appendicitis: Risk Factors, Management Strategies and Clinical Implications. Ed. A.S Marmo. 1st Ed. New York: Nova Publishers
Academic Article Intra-abdominal Abscess After Appendectomy-Are Drains Necessary in All Patients?
Academic Article Response regarding: "Intra-abdominal Abscess After Appendectomy-Are Drains Necessary in All Patients?"
Academic Article Laparoscopic Gastrostomy in Infants During an Open Abdominal Procedure: A Novel Approach.
Academic Article Institutional outcomes of blunt liver and splenic injury in the Arizona-Texas-Oklahoma-Memphis-Arkansas Consortium era.

Search Criteria
  • Transplantation
  • abdominal