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Search Results to Tolu A Oyetunji

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research overview Dr. Oyetunji is the Thomas Holder/Keith Ashcraft Endowed Chair in Pediatric Surgical Research at Children’s Mercy Hospital Kansas City, and a Professor of Surgery at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine. He is the Division Director for Pediatric General Surgery, the Program Director for the Surgical Scholar Program and the Director of Health Outcomes Research in the Department of Surgery. He is a member of multiple surgical societies including the Association for Academic Surgery, International Pediatric Endosurgery Group and Society of Black Academic Surgeons. He currently serves on national committees for some of these organizations. His research focuses on surgical quality improvement, surgical innovations, healthcare disparities and global surgical care delivery. Dr. Oyetunji is particularly interested in the dissemination of evidence-based clinical protocols and studies factors that drive the deviation in care from evidence based standard, and as vehicles for disparity and unnecessary healthcare cost. Another area of interest for Dr Oyetunji is surgical process and device innovation with the overarching goal of simplifying surgical care delivery without compromising quality.

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Item TypeName
Concept Adult
Concept Patient Care
Concept Hospitals, Pediatric
Concept Intensive Care Units
Concept Intensive Care Units, Neonatal
Concept Intraoperative Care
Concept Patient Acceptance of Health Care
Concept Pediatrics
Concept Postoperative Care
Concept Preoperative Care
Concept Intensive Care, Neonatal
Concept Health Care Costs
Concept Perioperative Care
Concept Young Adult
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Award or Honor Receipt International Pediatric Endosurgery Group (IPEG) Research Grant Award
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Academic Article Trauma associated splenic artery aneurysms: an?analysis of the National Trauma Data Bank.
Academic Article Variability in same-day discharge for pediatric appendicitis.
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Academic Article Validating the Injury Severity Score (ISS) in different populations: ISS predicts mortality better among Hispanics and females.
Academic Article Predictors of marginal ulcers after laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass.
Academic Article "Surgical Infectious Disease." Ashcraft’s Pediatric Surgery. Ed. G.W. Holcomb, J.P.Murphy & S.D. St Peter. 7th Ed. ed. Philadelphia: Saunders
Academic Article Ethics of randomized trials in pediatric surgery.
Academic Article Ligament of Treitz Release With Duodenal Lowering for Pediatric Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome.
Academic Article Surgical tray reduction for cost saving in pediatric surgical cases: A qualitative systematic review.
Academic Article Protocol-driven Antibiotic Treatment of Pediatric Empyema After Fibrinolysis.
Academic Article Characterization of Pediatric Breast Abscesses and Optimal Treatment: A Retrospective Analysis.
Academic Article Inpatient management of Hirschsprung's associated enterocolitis treatment: the benefits of standardized care.
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Academic Article Same-day discharge for pediatric laparoscopic gastrostomy.
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Award or Honor Receipt Thomas Holder/Keith Ashcraft Endowed Chair in Pediatric Surgical Research
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Academic Article Contemporary use of fibrinolytics in the management of pediatric empyema.
Academic Article Impact of an Acute Care Surgery Clinical Pathway on Patient Outcomes in Acute Appendicitis.

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  • Transition
  • Pediatric
  • Adult
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  • Care