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Search Results to Craig A. Friesen

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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Friesen, Craig

Item TypeName
Concept Failure to Thrive
Concept Intestinal Mucosa
Academic Article Clinical efficacy and pharmacokinetics of montelukast in dyspeptic children with duodenal eosinophilia.
Academic Article Mucosal eosinophilia and response to H1/H2 antagonist and cromolyn therapy in pediatric dyspepsia.
Academic Article Montelukast in the treatment of duodenal eosinophilia in children with dyspepsia: effect on eosinophil density and activation in relation to pharmacokinetics.
Academic Article Symptoms and subtypes in pediatric functional dyspepsia: relation to mucosal inflammation and psychological functioning.
Academic Article Intestinal permeability in children/adolescents with functional dyspepsia.
Academic Article Histopathological changes in the gastroduodenal mucosa of children with functional dyspepsia.
Academic Article Activated duodenal mucosal eosinophils in children with dyspepsia: a pilot transmission electron microscopic study.
Academic Article Severe Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome to Cow's Milk in Infants.
Academic Article Functional characterization of SLC26A3 c.392C>G (p.P131R) mutation in intestinal barrier function using CRISPR/CAS9-created cell models.
Academic Article Colonic mucosal inflammatory cells in children and adolescents with lactase deficiency.
Academic Article The relationship between mucosal inflammatory cells, specific symptoms, and psychological functioning in youth with irritable bowel syndrome.
Academic Article Heartburn in children and adolescents in the presence of functional dyspepsia and/or irritable bowel syndrome correlates with the presence of sleep disturbances, anxiety, and depression.
Academic Article Mucosal eosinophils, mast cells, and intraepithelial lymphocytes in youth with rumination syndrome.
Academic Article Colonic mucosal eosinophilia in children without inflammatory bowel disease.
Academic Article A Pilot Study of Ketotifen in Patients Aged 8-17 Years with Functional Dyspepsia Associated with Mucosal Eosinophilia.
Academic Article Metabolomic comparison of postprandial distress syndrome patients with and without duodenal eosinophilia.
Academic Article Genomic insights into pediatric intestinal inflammatory and eosinophilic disorders using single-cell RNA-sequencing.

Search Criteria
  • Intestinal
  • Failure