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Search Results to Elin Grundberg

This is a "connection" page, showing the details of why an item matched the keywords from your search.


One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Grundberg, Elin

Item TypeName
Concept Gene Expression Profiling
Academic Article Systematic assessment of the human osteoblast transcriptome in resting and induced primary cells.
Academic Article Common sequence variation in FLNB regulates bone structure in women in the general population and FLNB mRNA expression in osteoblasts in vitro.
Academic Article Population genomics in a disease targeted primary cell model.
Academic Article Global patterns of cis variation in human cells revealed by high-density allelic expression analysis.
Academic Article Cell culture-induced aberrant methylation of the imprinted IG DMR in human lymphoblastoid cell lines.
Academic Article Analysis of the impact of genetic variation on human gene expression.
Academic Article An integration of genome-wide association study and gene expression profiling to prioritize the discovery of novel susceptibility Loci for osteoporosis-related traits.
Academic Article Global analysis of the impact of environmental perturbation on cis-regulation of gene expression.
Academic Article Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies 56 bone mineral density loci and reveals 14 loci associated with risk of fracture.
Academic Article Functional variation in allelic methylomes underscores a strong genetic contribution and reveals novel epigenetic alterations in the human epigenome.
Academic Article Dissecting features of epigenetic variants underlying cardiometabolic risk using full-resolution epigenome profiling in regulatory elements.
Academic Article A genome-wide approach to identifying novel-imprinted genes.
Academic Article The architecture of gene regulatory variation across multiple human tissues: the MuTHER study.
Academic Article A comparison of the whole genome approach of MeDIP-seq to the targeted approach of the Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip(?) for methylome profiling.
Academic Article Global analysis of DNA methylation variation in adipose tissue from twins reveals links to disease-associated variants in distal regulatory elements.
Academic Article An atlas of genetic influences on human blood metabolites.
Academic Article Identification of 153 new loci associated with heel bone mineral density and functional involvement of GPC6 in osteoporosis.
Academic Article UCP1 expression-associated gene signatures of human epicardial adipose tissue.
Academic Article Capturing functional epigenomes for insight into metabolic diseases.
Academic Article Single-cell analysis of human adipose tissue identifies depot and disease specific cell types.
Academic Article Enhanced resolution profiling in twins reveals differential methylation signatures of type 2 diabetes with links to its complications.
Academic Article Genomic insights into pediatric intestinal inflammatory and eosinophilic disorders using single-cell RNA-sequencing.

Search Criteria
  • Transcriptome Analysis