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Search Results to Brenda J. Salley

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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Salley, Brenda

research overview Broadly speaking, the aim of Dr. Salley's research is to optimize early development for young children, particularly early language and social emotional development. One primary line of research is focused on early social communication and language. The overall aim of this programmatic work is improve early identification and inform intervention approaches. A second primary line of research focuses on optimizing parent-child interactions to promote early language, social and cognitive development. The overall goal is to shift the trajectory of early risk/delay by preschool and kindergarten entry to improve child long term outcomes. One focus within this line of work has been to improve parent’s ability to facilitate optimal language interactions during early book-sharing experiences. This has involved developing intervention programs for Part C providers (Ready, Set, Share A Book!). A second focus within this line of work has been developing a universal language promotion program within the healthcare system (Talk With Me Baby). Each of these intervention programs is designed to disseminate and scale evidence-based interventions for at-risk young children.

Search Criteria
  • Community
  • Engaged
  • Research