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Search Results to Rangaraj Selvarangan

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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Selvarangan, Rangaraj

research overview Dr. Selvarangan is the Director of the Clinical Microbiology and Molecular Infectious Diseases Laboratory in Children’s Mercy Hospital accredited by College of American Pathologists. He has more than fifteen years of experience with directorship of high complexity clinical laboratory testing and research in the area of laboratory test evaluation and selection for implementation in routine clinical care. His research area encompasses advanced diagnostics for infectious diseases, epidemiology of infections in children, vaccine related studies, biomarker discovery and host response to infections and interventions to improve patient care and outcomes. His clinical research experience also includes federal funding and more than 100 clinical trials supported by In vitro diagnostic industry. His research team specializes in large volume prospective enrollment of children in clinical trials for infectious diseases in outpatient and inpatient settings. As the founding Principal Investigator of Kansas City-New Vaccine Surveillance Network (KC-NVSN) program since 2009, sponsored by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, he has direct working knowledge on establishment and collaboration of multisite national networks.

One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Selvarangan, Rangaraj

Item TypeName
Concept Adenovirus Infections, Human
Concept Bacterial Infections
Concept Bordetella Infections
Concept Campylobacter Infections
Concept Central Nervous System Infections
Concept Chlamydia Infections
Concept Clostridium Infections
Concept Cross Infection
Concept Cytomegalovirus Infections
Concept Enterobacteriaceae Infections
Concept Enterovirus Infections
Concept Escherichia coli Infections
Concept Haemophilus Infections
Concept Klebsiella Infections
Concept Mycobacterium Infections
Concept Mycoplasma Infections
Concept Picornaviridae Infections
Concept Pneumococcal Infections
Concept Pseudomonas Infections
Concept Respiratory Tract Infections
Concept Rotavirus Infections
Concept Staphylococcal Infections
Concept Staphylococcal Skin Infections
Concept Streptococcal Infections
Concept Urinary Tract Infections
Concept Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare Infection
Concept Immunocompromised Host
Concept Gram-Positive Bacterial Infections
Concept Infection Control
Concept Caliciviridae Infections
Concept Paramyxoviridae Infections
Concept Coronavirus Infections
Concept Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections
Concept Moraxellaceae Infections
Concept Asymptomatic Infections
Academic Article Genetic commonality of macrolide-resistant group A beta hemolytic streptococcus pharyngeal strains.
Academic Article False-positive results of Campylobacter rapid antigen testing.
Academic Article Mycoplasma edwardii peritonitis in a patient on maintenance peritoneal dialysis.
Academic Article No evidence of vancomycin minimal inhibitory concentration creep or heteroresistance identified in pediatric Staphylococcus aureus blood isolates.
Academic Article Prevalence of 3 sexually transmitted infections in a pediatric emergency department.
Academic Article Enterovirus d68. A focused review and clinical highlights from the 2014 U.S. Outbreak.
Academic Article Severe enterovirus 68 respiratory illness in children requiring intensive care management.
Academic Article Severe respiratory illness associated with a nationwide outbreak of enterovirus D68 in the USA (2014): a descriptive epidemiological investigation.
Academic Article Molecular Evolution and Intraclade Recombination of Enterovirus D68 during the 2014 Outbreak in the United States.
Academic Article Reducing Overutilization of Testing for Clostridium difficile Infection in a Pediatric Hospital System: A Quality Improvement Initiative.
Academic Article Clinical variables and Staphylococcus aureus virulence factors associated with venous thromboembolism in children.
Academic Article Integrating a Rapid Diagnostic Test and Antimicrobial Stewardship: Optimizing Discharge Antibiotics in Skin and Soft Tissue Infections.
Academic Article Clinical Course of Enterovirus D68 in Hospitalized Children.
Academic Article Evaluating the Impact of Implementing a Clinical Practice Guideline for Febrile Infants With Positive Respiratory Syncytial Virus or Enterovirus Testing.
Academic Article Outcome of children with rhinovirus detection prior to allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplant.
Academic Article Dra/AfaE adhesin of uropathogenic Dr/Afa+ Escherichia coli mediates mortality in pregnant rats.
Academic Article Disseminated nontuberculous mycobacterial infections in sickle cell anemia patients.
Academic Article Treatment outcomes for nontuberculous mycobacterial cervicofacial lymphadenitis in children based on the type of surgical intervention.
Academic Article Comparison of BD Directigen EZ RSV and Binax NOW RSV tests for rapid detection of respiratory syncytial virus from nasopharyngeal aspirates in a pediatric population.
Academic Article Susceptibilities of Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, including serotype 19A, and Moraxella catarrhalis paediatric isolates from 2005 to 2007 to commonly used antibiotics.
Academic Article Human parechovirus 3 causing sepsis-like illness in children from midwestern United States.
Academic Article Improving surveillance for pediatric Clostridium difficile infection: derivation and validation of an accurate case-finding tool.
Academic Article Molecular epidemiology and clinical presentation of human adenovirus infections in Kansas City children.
Academic Article Characterization of AfaE adhesins produced by extraintestinal and intestinal human Escherichia coli isolates: PCR assays for detection of Afa adhesins that do or do not recognize Dr blood group antigens.
Academic Article Rapid receptor-clustering assay to detect uropathogenic and diarrheal Escherichia coli isolates bearing adhesins of the Dr family.
Academic Article Interaction of Dr adhesin with collagen type IV is a critical step in Escherichia coli renal persistence.
Academic Article Human parechovirus in respiratory specimens from children in Kansas City, Missouri.
Academic Article Routine laboratory testing data for surveillance of rotavirus hospitalizations to evaluate the impact of vaccination.
Academic Article Genotype prevalence and risk factors for severe clinical adenovirus infection, United States 2004-2006.
Academic Article Role of nursing unit factors on performance of phlebotomy and subsequent blood culture contamination rates.
Academic Article Innate Susceptibility to Norovirus Infections Influenced by FUT2 Genotype in a United States Pediatric Population.
Academic Article Head-to-head comparison of the diagnostic accuracies of BD Veritor? System RSV and Quidel? Sofia? RSV FIA systems for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) diagnosis.
Academic Article BD Veritor System Respiratory Syncytial Virus Rapid Antigen Detection Test: Point-of-Care Results in Primary Care Pediatric Offices Compared With Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction and Viral Culture Methods.
Academic Article The human Parechoviruses: an overview.
Academic Article Demographics and microbiology of otorrhea through patent tubes failing ototopical and/or oral antibiotic therapy.
Academic Article Detection of toxigenic Clostridium difficile in pediatric stool samples: an evaluation of Quik Check Complete Antigen assay, BD GeneOhm Cdiff PCR, and ProGastro Cd PCR assays.
Academic Article Clindamycin-susceptibility Rates of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Varies by Infection Type in Pediatric Patients.
Academic Article A longitudinal case series description of meningitis due to Streptococcus gallolyticus subsp. pasteurianus in infants.
Academic Article Rotavirus Strain Trends During the Postlicensure Vaccine Era: United States, 2008-2013.
Academic Article Evaluation of xTAG Respiratory Viral Panel FAST and xTAG Human Parainfluenza Virus Analyte-Specific Reagents for detection of human parainfluenza viruses in respiratory specimens.
Academic Article Utility of a focused vancomycin-resistant enterococci screening protocol to identify colonization in hospitalized children.
Academic Article Optimization of a combined human parechovirus-enterovirus real-time reverse transcription-PCR assay and evaluation of a new parechovirus 3-specific assay for cerebrospinal fluid specimen testing.
Academic Article Antibiotic Prophylaxis Is Associated with Subsequent Resistant Infections in Children with an Initial Extended-Spectrum-Cephalosporin-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae Infection.
Academic Article The Molecular and Clinical Epidemiology of Extended-Spectrum Cephalosporin- and Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae at 4 US Pediatric Hospitals.
Academic Article Severe Parechovirus 3 Infections in Young Infants-Kansas and Missouri, 2014.
Academic Article Effectiveness of pentavalent and monovalent rotavirus vaccines in concurrent use among US children <5 years of age, 2009-2011.
Academic Article Bordetella parapertussis bacteremia: two case reports.
Academic Article Multicenter clinical performance evaluation of BD Veritor? system for rapid detection of respiratory syncytial virus.
Academic Article Evaluation of RIDA?GENE norovirus GI/GII real time RT-PCR using stool specimens collected from children and adults with acute gastroenteritis.
Academic Article Evaluation of the illumigene Mycoplasma Direct DNA Amplification Assay.
Academic Article Severe respiratory illness associated with enterovirus D68 - Missouri and Illinois, 2014.
Academic Article Evaluation of 3 analyte-specific reagents for detection of Bordetella pertussis and Bordetella parapertussis in clinical specimens.
Academic Article Factors Associated With Rotavirus Vaccine Coverage.
Academic Article Evidence for Household Transmission of Rotavirus in the United States, 2011-2016.
Academic Article Emergence of Parechovirus A4 Central Nervous System Infections among Infants in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.
Academic Article Neutralizing Antibody against Enterovirus D68 in Children and Adults before 2014 Outbreak, Kansas City, Missouri, USA1.
Academic Article Epidemiologic Association Between FUT2 Secretor Status and Severe Rotavirus Gastroenteritis in Children in the United States.
Academic Article Long-term Consistency in Rotavirus Vaccine Protection: RV5 and RV1 Vaccine Effectiveness in US Children, 2012-2013.
Academic Article Use of Administrative Data for the Identificationof Laboratory-Confirmed Influenza Infection: The Validity ofInfluenza-Specific ICD-9 Codes.
Academic Article Intestinal Carriage of Third-Generation Cephalosporin-Resistant and Extended-Spectrum ?-Lactamase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae in Healthy US Children.
Academic Article Antifungal azoles itraconazole and posaconazole exhibit potent in vitro antiviral activity against clinical isolates of parechovirus A3 (Picornaviridae).
Academic Article Multicenter Clinical Evaluation of the Alere i Respiratory Syncytial Virus Isothermal Nucleic Acid Amplification Assay.
Academic Article Comparison of Six Sample-to-Answer Influenza A/B and Respiratory Syncytial Virus Nucleic Acid Amplification Assays Using Respiratory Specimens from Children.
Academic Article Multicenter Clinical Evaluation of the Automated Aries Group A Strep PCR Assay from Throat Swabs.
Academic Article Impact of multiplex molecular assay turn-around-time on antibiotic utilization and clinical management of hospitalized children with acute respiratory tract infections.
Academic Article Seroepidemiology of Parechovirus A3 Neutralizing Antibodies, Australia, the Netherlands, and United States.
Academic Article Development of experimental model of chronic pyelonephritis with Escherichia coli O75:K5:H-bearing Dr fimbriae: mutation in the dra region prevented tubulointerstitial nephritis.
Academic Article Dr fimbriae operon of uropathogenic Escherichia coli mediate microtubule-dependent invasion to the HeLa epithelial cell line.
Academic Article Laboratory diagnosis of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in a colony-raised pigtailed macaque.
Academic Article Enterovirus D68-Associated Acute Respiratory Illness - New Vaccine Surveillance Network, United States, July-October, 2017 and 2018.
Academic Article Evaluation of BacterioScan 216Dx in Comparison to Urinalysis as a Screening Tool for Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infections in Children.
Academic Article Comparative analysis of Four sample-to-answer influenza A/B and RSV nucleic acid amplification assays using adult respiratory specimens.
Academic Article Infectious Causes of Acute Gastroenteritis in US Children Undergoing Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplant: A Longitudinal, Multicenter Study.
Academic Article Association of Rotavirus Vaccination With Inpatient and Emergency Department Visits Among Children Seeking Care for Acute Gastroenteritis, 2010-2016.
Academic Article Enterovirus D68 outbreak detection through a syndromic disease epidemiology network.
Academic Article Evaluation of Genotypic Antiviral Resistance Testing as an Alternative to Phenotypic Testing in a Patient with DOCK8 Deficiency and Severe HSV-1 Disease.
Academic Article Multicenter Clinical Evaluation of the Revogene Strep A Molecular Assay for Detection of Streptococcus pyogenes from Throat Swab Specimens.
Academic Article Frequency of asymptomatic and symptomatic respiratory virus detection in pediatric hematopoietic cell transplant patients.
Academic Article Detection of Clostridioides difficile by Real-time PCR in Young Children Does Not Predict Disease.
Academic Article Respiratory Syncytial Virus-Associated Hospitalizations Among Young Children: 2015-2016.
Academic Article Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Infections in Children: Multicenter Surveillance, United States, January-March 2020.
Academic Article Host Immune Response to Enterovirus and Parechovirus Systemic Infections in Children.
Academic Article Positive Impact of Routine Testing for Enterovirus and Parechovirus on Length of Hospitalization and Antimicrobial Use among Inpatients =6 Months of Age.
Academic Article Emergence of Parechovirus A3 as the Leading Cause of Central Nervous System Infection, Surpassing Any Single Enterovirus Type, in Children in Kansas City, Missouri, USA, from 2007 to 2016.
Academic Article Childhood Outcomes Following Parechovirus Infections in a US Young Infant Cohort.
Academic Article High-resolution epigenome analysis in nasal samples derived from children with respiratory viral infections reveals striking changes upon SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Academic Article Rotavirus Genotype Trends and Gastrointestinal Pathogen Detection in the United States, 2014-2016: Results From the New Vaccine Surveillance Network.
Grant Enhanced Surveillance for New Vaccine Preventable Diseases
Academic Article Global Trends in Norovirus Genotype Distribution among Children with Acute Gastroenteritis.
Academic Article Real-time gastrointestinal infection surveillance through a cloud-based network of clinical laboratories.
Academic Article Acute Respiratory Illnesses in Children in the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic: Prospective Multicenter Study.
Academic Article A multicenter evaluation of viral bloodstream detections in children presenting to the Emergency Department with suspected systemic infection.
Academic Article Maternal parechovirus A (PeV-A) shedding, serostatus, and the risk of central nervous system PeV-A infections in infants.
Academic Article The Impact of Prior Infection and Age on Antibody Persistence After Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Messenger RNA Vaccine.
Academic Article Clinical Influenza Testing Practices in Hospitalized Children at United States Medical Centers, 2015-2018.
Academic Article Enterovirus D68-Associated Acute Respiratory Illness - New Vaccine Surveillance Network, United States, July-November 2018-2020.
Academic Article Neutralizing Enterovirus D68 Antibodies in Children after 2014 Outbreak, Kansas City, Missouri, USA.
Academic Article Cross-reactive antibodies elicited to conserved epitopes on SARS-CoV-2 spike protein after infection and vaccination.
Academic Article Understanding Variation in Rotavirus Vaccine Effectiveness Estimates in the United States: The Role of Rotavirus Activity and Diagnostic Misclassification.
Academic Article Vaccination After SARS-CoV-2 Infection Increased Antibody Avidity Against the Omicron Variant Compared to Vaccination Alone.
Academic Article A multi-center study to determine genetic variations in the fusion gene of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) from children <2 years of age in the U.S.
Academic Article Differences in pediatric SARS-CoV-2 symptomology and Co-infection rates among COVID-19 Pandemic waves.
Academic Article Clinical Presentation and Severity of Adenovirus Detection Alone vs Adenovirus Co-detection With Other Respiratory Viruses in US Children With Acute Respiratory Illness from 2016 to 2018.
Academic Article Cepheid Xpert Xpress Flu/RSV evaluation performed by minimally trained non-laboratory operators in a CLIA-waived environment.
Academic Article Rotavirus Strain Trends in United States, 2009-2016: Results from the National Rotavirus Strain Surveillance System (NRSSS).
Academic Article Comparative analysis of three multiplex platforms for the detection of respiratory viral pathogens.
Academic Article Respiratory Virus Surveillance Among Children with Acute Respiratory Illnesses - New Vaccine Surveillance Network, United States, 2016-2021.
Academic Article Disruption of seasonal enterovirus and parechovirus detections in the CSF and plasma of children during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Academic Article Circulation of Rhinoviruses and/or Enteroviruses in Pediatric Patients With Acute Respiratory Illness Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the US.
Academic Article Comparative in vitro antipseudomonal activity of ceftolozane/tazobactam against Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from children with cystic fibrosis.
Academic Article Multicenter Evaluation of the DiaSorin Molecular Simplexa Congenital CMV Direct PCR Test on Neonatal Saliva and Urine Specimens.
Academic Article A Comparison of Pathogen Detection and Risk Factors among Symptomatic Children with Gastroenteritis Compared with Asymptomatic Children in the Post-rotavirus Vaccine Era.
Academic Article Prevalence and clinical presentation of EV-D68 infections in Kansas City children during the 2022 season.
Academic Article Multi-center clinical evaluation of the Panther Fusion SARS-CoV-2/Flu A/B/RSV assay in nasopharyngeal swab specimens from symptomatic individuals.
Academic Article Respiratory Syncytial Virus-Associated Hospitalizations Among Children <5 Years Old: 2016 to 2020.
Academic Article Notes from the Field: Reemergence of Mycoplasma pneumoniae Infections in Children and Adolescents After the COVID-19 Pandemic, United States, 2018-2024.
Academic Article Early Estimate of Nirsevimab Effectiveness for Prevention of Respiratory Syncytial Virus-Associated Hospitalization Among Infants Entering Their First Respiratory Syncytial Virus Season - New Vaccine Surveillance Network, October 2023-February 2024.

Search Criteria
  • Infections
  • immunocompromised hosts