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Search Results to Jordan A. Carlson

This is a "connection" page, showing the details of why an item matched the keywords from your search.


One or more keywords matched the following properties of Carlson, Jordan

keywords Accelerometry

One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Carlson, Jordan

Item TypeName
Academic Article Brief physical activity-related psychosocial measures: reliability and construct validity.
Academic Article Implementing classroom physical activity breaks: Associations with student physical activity and classroom behavior.
Academic Article Is missing geographic positioning system data in accelerometry studies a problem, and is imputation the solution?
Academic Article Work and Home Neighborhood Design and Physical Activity.
Academic Article Elementary school practices and children's objectively measured physical activity during school.
Academic Article Patterns of Weekday and Weekend Sedentary Behavior Among Older Adults.
Academic Article Association between neighborhood walkability and GPS-measured walking, bicycling and vehicle time in adolescents.
Academic Article Dance Class Structure Affects Youth Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior: A Study of Seven Dance Types.
Academic Article Dog walking among adolescents: Correlates and contribution to physical activity.
Academic Article Two-Arm Randomized Pilot Intervention Trial to Decrease Sitting Time and Increase Sit-To-Stand Transitions in Working and Non-Working Older Adults.
Academic Article Using Activity Monitors to Measure Sit-to-Stand Transitions in Overweight/Obese Youth.
Academic Article Automated Ecological Assessment of Physical Activity: Advancing Direct Observation.
Academic Article Neighborhood built environment and socioeconomic status in relation to physical activity, sedentary behavior, and weight status of adolescents.
Academic Article Improving Hip-Worn Accelerometer Estimates of Sitting Using Machine Learning Methods.
Academic Article Latent profile analysis of accelerometer-measured sleep, physical activity, and sedentary time and differences in health characteristics in adult women.
Academic Article Automated High-Frequency Observations of Physical Activity Using Computer Vision.
Grant Neighborhood Environments and Cardiometabolic Disorders in Hispanic/Latinos
Grant SOLAir: Environmental Factors and Diabetes Development in Latinos
Academic Article Patterns of Sedentary Time in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL) Youth.
Academic Article The CNN Hip Accelerometer Posture (CHAP) Method for Classifying Sitting Patterns from Hip Accelerometers: A Validation Study.
Academic Article Sedentary Profiles: A New Perspective on Accumulation Patterns in Sedentary Behavior.
Academic Article A new measure to quantify sedentary behavior using accelerometer data: Application to the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.
Academic Article A comparison of accelerometer cut-points for measuring physical activity and sedentary time in adolescents with Down syndrome.
Academic Article CHAP-child: an open source method for estimating sit-to-stand transitions and sedentary bout patterns from hip accelerometers among children.
Academic Article Low movement, deep-learned sitting patterns, and sedentary behavior in the International Study of Childhood Obesity, Lifestyle and the Environment (ISCOLE).
Academic Article Characterizing longitudinal change in accelerometry-based moderate-to-vigorous physical activity in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos and the Framingham Heart Study.
Academic Article Prospective Associations of Accelerometer-Measured Machine-Learned Sedentary Behavior With Death Among Older Women: The OPACH Study.

Search Criteria
  • Accelerometry