Last Name


Search Results to Dolores Lamb

This is a "connection" page, showing the details of why an item matched the keywords from your search.


One or more keywords matched the following properties of Lamb, Dolores

keywords Reproductive Medicine
keywords Genetic and Genomic Basis of Genitourinary Birth Defects

One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Lamb, Dolores

Item TypeName
Concept Genomic Imprinting
Concept Evidence-Based Medicine
Concept Genomics
Concept Comparative Genomic Hybridization
Academic Article Is a genetic defect in Fkbp6 a common cause of azoospermia in humans?
Academic Article Semen analysis in 21st century medicine: the need for sperm function testing.
Academic Article Aberrations in pseudoautosomal regions (PARs) found in infertile men with Y-chromosome microdeletions.
Academic Article The genetics of male fertility--from basic science to clinical evaluation.
Academic Article The use of genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics in identifying biomarkers of male infertility.
Academic Article Male infertility biomarkers and genomic aberrations in azoospermia.
Academic Article Genitourinary defects associated with genomic deletions in 2p15 encompassing OTX1.
Academic Article Genomic and genetic variation in E2F transcription factor-1 in men with nonobstructive azoospermia.
Academic Article Age-related alterations in the genetics and genomics of the male germ line.
Academic Article Characterization of the renal phenotype in RMND1-related mitochondrial disease.
Academic Article Diagnosis and Treatment of Infertility in Men: AUA/ASRM Guideline Part I.
Academic Article Diagnosis and Treatment of Infertility in Men: AUA/ASRM Guideline PART II.
Academic Article Diagnosis and treatment of infertility in men: AUA/ASRM guideline part II.
Academic Article Diagnosis and treatment of infertility in men: AUA/ASRM guideline part I.
Academic Article What advances may the future bring to the diagnosis, treatment, and care of male sexual and reproductive health?

Search Criteria
  • Genomic
  • medicine