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Search Results (31)

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Bakula, DanaPerson Why?
An Intervention to Reduce Hypoglycemia Fear in Parents of Young Kids with Type 1 Diabetes Through Video-Based Telemedicine (REDCHiP): Trial Design, Feasibility, and Acceptability.Academic Article Why?
Evaluating the efficacy of the HITSystem 2.1 to improve PMTCT retention and maternal viral suppression in Kenya: Study protocol of a cluster-randomized trial.Academic Article Why?
Strategies for improving asthma outcomes: a case-based review of successes and pitfalls.Academic Article Why?
The adolescent with asthma: fostering adherence to optimize therapy.Academic Article Why?
Clements, MarkPerson Why?
Hampl, SarahPerson Why?
Hurley, EmilyPerson Why?
Baseline predictors of ninety percent or higher antiretroviral therapy adherence in a diverse urban sample: the role of patient autonomy and fatalistic religious beliefs.Academic Article Why?
Warady, BradleyPerson Why?
St Peter, ShawnPerson Why?
A pilot study to improve adherence among MS patients who discontinue treatment against medical advice.Academic Article Why?
Maddux, MichelePerson Why?
Schurman, JenniferPerson Why?
A qualitative examination of the indirect effects of modified directly observed therapy on health behaviors other than adherence.Academic Article Why?
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  • Treatment
  • Adherence
  • Compliance
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