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Search Results (29)

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Medical OncologyConcept Why?
Engaging Clinical Nurses in Research: Nurses' Experiences Delivering a Communication Intervention in a Behavioral Oncology Clinical Trial.Academic Article Why?
Biomarkers and oncology: the path forward to a learning health system.Academic Article Why?
Building a Research Team in Adolescent/Young Adult Oncology Nursing.Academic Article Why?
Ginn, KevinPerson Why?
Humanism and professionalism education for pediatric hematology-oncology fellows: A model for pediatric subspecialty training.Academic Article Why?
Implementing a stepwise educational approach for bridging the gap between specialty and primary care for childhood cancer survivors.Academic Article Why?
Merging Children's Oncology Group Data with an External Administrative Database Using Indirect Patient Identifiers: A Report from the Children's Oncology Group.Academic Article Why?
Proficiency Testing of Standardized Samples Shows Very High Interlaboratory Agreement for Clinical Next-Generation Sequencing-Based Oncology Assays.Academic Article Why?
Surveys: a tool to provoke thought and identify areas of need.Academic Article Why?
Stegenga, KristinPerson Why?
Fulbright, JoyPerson Why?
Merging of the National Cancer Institute-funded cooperative oncology group data with an administrative data source to develop a more effective platform for clinical trial analysis and comparative effectiveness research: a report from the Children's Oncology Group.Academic Article Why?
Gamis, AlanPerson Why?
A Question-and-Answer System to Extract Data From Free-Text Oncological Pathology Reports (CancerBERT Network): Development Study.Academic Article Why?
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