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Search Results (77)

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System CHANGE: An RCT for Medication Adherence in Kidney Transplant RecipientsGrant Why?
Autonomous regulation and locus of control as predictors of antiretroviral medication adherence.Academic Article Why?
Coding Client Language in Motivational Interviewing for HIV Medication Adherence Using Self-Determination Theory.Academic Article Why?
Mechanisms of Motivational Interviewing for Antiretroviral Medication Adherence in People with HIV.Academic Article Why?
Medication adherence and growth in children with CKD.Academic Article Why?
Trajectories of oral medication adherence in youth with inflammatory bowel disease.Academic Article Why?
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis: Personal Systems Approach in Improving Medication Adherence in Adult Kidney Transplant Patients.Academic Article Why?
Determinants of medication adherence in childhood nephrotic syndrome and associations of adherence with clinical outcomes.Academic Article Why?
Medication AdherenceConcept Why?
Improvement of Immunosuppressive Medication Adherence Using a SystemCHANGE Intervention: Case Study of an Older Adult Kidney Transplant Recipient.Academic Article Why?
MAGIC Study: Aims, Design and Methods using SystemCHANGE? to Improve Immunosuppressive Medication Adherence in Adult Kidney Transplant Recipients.Academic Article Why?
The validity of self-reported medication adherence as an outcome in clinical trials of adherence-promotion interventions: Findings from the MACH14 study.Academic Article Why?
Improving medication adherence and outcomes in adult kidney transplant patients using a personal systems approach: SystemCHANGE? results of the MAGIC randomized clinical trial.Academic Article Why?
Improving Medication Adherence with Telehealthcare Medication Therapy Management to Change Health Outcomes in Adolescents and Young Adults with Asthma (MATCH)Grant Why?
A closer look at depression and its relationship to HIV antiretroviral adherence.Academic Article Why?
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