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Search Results (17)

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Chair - Council on Health Policy – Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) Award or Honor Receipt Why?
Myers, AngelaPerson Why?
Childhood vaccine risk/benefit communication in private practice office settings: a national survey.Academic Article Why?
Healthcare worker knowledge and attitudes regarding influenza immunization and childhood vaccination.Academic Article Why?
Parental delay or refusal of vaccine doses, childhood vaccination coverage at 24 months of age, and the Health Belief Model.Academic Article Why?
Routine childhood vaccination update: educating the office staff.Academic Article Why?
Selvarangan, RangarajPerson Why?
Schuster, JenniferPerson Why?
Fulbright, JoyPerson Why?
The association between intentional delay of vaccine administration and timely childhood vaccination coverage.Academic Article Why?
Clements, MarkPerson Why?
Warady, BradleyPerson Why?
Pastinen, TomiPerson Why?
Grundberg, ElinPerson Why?
Carpenter, ShannonPerson Why?
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  • Childhood
  • vaccines
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