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Search Results (67)

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Physician-Patient RelationsConcept Why?
"I think that a brief conversation from their provider can go a very long way": Patient and provider perspectives on barriers and facilitators of genetic testing after ovarian cancer.Academic Article Why?
A qualitative assessment of provider perspectives on smoking cessation counselling.Academic Article Why?
An Extravagant Gift From a Grateful Patient.Academic Article Why?
Antenatal counselling for parents facing an extremely preterm birth: limitations of the medical evidence.Academic Article Why?
Barrier to pneumococcal and influenza vaccinations in Black elderly communities: mistrust.Academic Article Why?
Can a patient designate his doctor as his proxy decision maker?Academic Article Why?
Cross-Cultural Differences in Communication About a Dying Child.Academic Article Why?
Discussing childbearing with HIV-infected women of reproductive age in clinical care: a comparison of Brazil and the US.Academic Article Why?
Do Patients Want to Participate in Decisions About Their Own Medical Care?Academic Article Why?
Ethics and Medico-legal implications in delivery room emergencies.Academic Article Why?
Futility assessments and the doctor-patient relationship.Academic Article Why?
Getting past getting by: training culturally and linguistically competent bilingual physicians.Academic Article Why?
Open heart [Shiva M'Hodu].Academic Article Why?
Parents Demand and Teenager Refuses Epidural Anesthesia.Academic Article Why?
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