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Search Results (30)

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Imaging of pediatric cardiac tumors: A COG Diagnostic Imaging Committee/SPR Oncology Committee White Paper.Academic Article Why?
Assessing the accuracy of diagnostic imaging for pediatric appendicitis during the course of illness.Academic Article Why?
Racial and ethnic disparities in diagnostic imaging for child physical abuse.Academic Article Why?
Diagnostic ImagingConcept Why?
Comparison of diagnostic imaging modalities for the evaluation of pancreatic duct injury in children: a multi-institutional analysis from the Pancreatic Trauma Study Group.Academic Article Why?
Imaging of pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients: A COG Diagnostic Imaging Committee/SPR Oncology Committee White Paper.Academic Article Why?
Artz, NathanPerson Why?
Effect of Hispanic ethnicity and language barriers on appendiceal perforation rates and imaging in children.Academic Article Why?
Interobserver agreement in the assessment of clinical findings in children with first unprovoked seizures.Academic Article Why?
Neuroimaging of pediatric posterior fossa tumors including review of the literature.Academic Article Why?
Pediatric appendicitis: state of the art review.Academic Article Why?
Task Force 2: Pediatric Cardiology Fellowship Training in Noninvasive Cardiac Imaging. SPCTPD/ACC/AAP/AHA.Academic Article Why?
Chan, SherwinPerson Why?
St Peter, ShawnPerson Why?
Rentea, RebeccaPerson Why?
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