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Search Results (51)

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Ultrasound-Guided Suture Lateralization in Pediatric Bilateral Vocal Fold Immobility.Academic Article Why?
Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Fine Needle AspirationConcept Why?
Chan, SherwinPerson Why?
Bowel Ultrasound for the Diagnosis of Necrotizing Enterocolitis: A Meta-analysis.Academic Article Why?
Not all radiopaque foreign bodies shadow on ultrasound: unexpected sonographic appearance of a radiopaque magnet.Academic Article Why?
Ultrasound Elastography Applications in Pediatrics.Academic Article Why?
A prospective randomized trial of ultrasound- vs landmark-guided central venous access in the pediatric population.Academic Article Why?
Algorithm of Transvaginal Ultrasound and/or Hysterosalpingogram for Confirmation Testing at 3 Months after Essure Placement.Academic Article Why?
Bowel ultrasound for predicting surgical management of necrotizing enterocolitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis.Academic Article Why?
Can ultrasound reliably identify complicated appendicitis in children?Academic Article Why?
Implementation of bowel ultrasound practice for the diagnosis and management of necrotising enterocolitis.Academic Article Why?
Pre- and postnatal ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging of intracranial extra-axial glioneuronal heterotopia.Academic Article Why?
Risk factors for adverse neurodevelopment in extremely low birth weight infants with normal neonatal cranial ultrasound.Academic Article Why?
Standardized reporting of appendicitis-related findings improves reliability of ultrasound in diagnosing appendicitis in children.Academic Article Why?
The progressive development of pyloric stenosis: a role for repeat ultrasound.Academic Article Why?
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