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Search Results (35)

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Enhancing Physician Advocacy Through Collaboration With Government Relations: Report From the Health Policy Scholars Program.Academic Article Why?
Chair - Council on Health Policy – Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) Award or Honor Receipt Why?
Health PolicyConcept Why?
Bettenhausen, JessicaPerson Why?
Considering Whether the Dismissal of Vaccine-Refusing Families Is Fair to Other Clinicians.Academic Article Why?
Look to Scandinavia.Academic Article Why?
Seeking justice for Priscilla.Academic Article Why?
Society of Behavioral Medicine Position Statement: Congress should protect immigrants seeking health care.Academic Article Why?
State policies about physical activity minutes in physical education or during school.Academic Article Why?
Trends in presentations of environmental and policy studies related to physical activity, nutrition, and obesity at Society of Behavioral Medicine, 1995-2010: a commentary to accompany the Active Living Research Supplement to Annals of Behavioral Medicine.Academic Article Why?
Carlson, JordanPerson Why?
"There is no free here, you have to pay": actual and perceived costs as barriers to intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy in Mali.Academic Article Why?
An overview of cervical cancer epidemiology and prevention in Scandinavia.Academic Article Why?
Geographic variations in electronic cigarette advertisements on Twitter in the United States.Academic Article Why?
Organ allocation and utilization in pediatric transplantation.Academic Article Why?
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