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Search Results (353)

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Hampl, SarahPerson Why?
Kyler, KatePerson Why?
Sweeney, BrookePerson Why?
Parental Perceptions of Obesity and Obesity Risk Associated With Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.Academic Article Why?
Dreyer Gillette, MeredithPerson Why?
Davis, AnnPerson Why?
Kong, Kai LingPerson Why?
Laroche, HelenaPerson Why?
Awareness, Care and Treatment In Obesity maNagement to inform Haemophilia Obesity Patient Empowerment (ACTION-TO-HOPE): Results of a survey of US patients with haemophilia and obesity (PwHO) and their partners and caregivers.Academic Article Why?
A Review of Modifiable Risk Factors for Severe Obesity in Children Ages 5 and Under.Academic Article Why?
Application of the Medical Neighborhood to Children with Severe Obesity.Academic Article Why?
Characteristics of Children 2 to 5 Years of Age With Severe Obesity.Academic Article Why?
Clinician's Guide for Pediatric Anti-obesity Medications.Academic Article Why?
Trends in prescribing anti-obesity pharmacotherapy for paediatric weight management: Data from the POWER Work Group.Academic Article Why?
Large-scale analysis of circulating glutamate and adipose gene expression in relation to abdominal obesity.Academic Article Why?
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