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Search Results (67)

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The post-diagnostics world: charting a path for pediatric genomic medicine in the twenty-first century.Academic Article Why?
Development of Competency-based Online Genomic Medicine Training (COGENT).Academic Article Why?
Newborn Sequencing in Genomic Medicine and Public Health.Academic Article Why?
A systematic approach to implementing monogenic genomic medicine: Genotype-driven diagnosis of genetic diseasesAcademic Article Why?
A Systematic Approach to Implementing Monogenic Genomic Medicine: Genotype-Driven Diagnosis of Genetic DiseasesAcademic Article Why?
Genomic medicine: evolving science, evolving ethics.Academic Article Why?
Center for Pediatric Genomic MedicineDepartment Why?
Genomic MedicineDepartment Why?
Genomic Medicine CenterDepartment Why?
Selected for participation in the first Genomic Medicine Master ClassAward or Honor Receipt Why?
Grundberg, ElinPerson Why?
Genomics and Precision Medicine to Direct Statin Use in the Young.Academic Article Why?
Understanding Complex Outcomes with Pathway Genetic Load Analysis: Key Epistatic Interactions in Bilrubin EncephalopathyGrant Why?
Petrikin, JoshuaPerson Why?
Technical desiderata for the integration of genomic data into Electronic Health Records.Academic Article Why?
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