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Search Results (20)

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Society of Behavioral Medicine Position Statement: Congress should protect immigrants seeking health care.Academic Article Why?
Trends in presentations of environmental and policy studies related to physical activity, nutrition, and obesity at Society of Behavioral Medicine, 1995-2010: a commentary to accompany the Active Living Research Supplement to Annals of Behavioral Medicine.Academic Article Why?
The Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) and public policy advocacy: a call to action.Academic Article Why?
Behavioral MedicineConcept Why?
Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) position statement: SBM urges Congress to preserve and extend funding for Medicaid services.Academic Article Why?
Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) position statement: SBM urges Congress to preserve and increase the financing of federally funded nutrition assistance programs and services.Academic Article Why?
Connelly, MarkPerson Why?
Maddux, MichelePerson Why?
The ADHD Clinic: a collaborative model of care.Academic Article Why?
Wallace, DustinPerson Why?
Laroche, HelenaPerson Why?
Driven by evidence: diagnosis and treatment for children with autism spectrum disorders.Academic Article Why?
Children’s Mercy Hospital Collaborative Fellowship Program in Pediatric PharmacologyGrant Why?
Children’s Mercy Hospital Collaborative Fellowship Program in Pediatric PharmacologyGrant Why?
Multi-site Randomized Clinical Trial of FIT Teens for Juvenile FibromyalgiaGrant Why?
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