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Search Results (22)

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Developmental pharmacogenomics.Academic Article Why?
Leeder, J. StevenPerson Why?
Developmental and pediatric pharmacogenomics.Academic Article Why?
Developmental pharmacogenetics: a general paradigm for application to neonatal pharmacology and toxicology.Academic Article Why?
Developmental pharmacogenetics in pediatric rheumatology: utilizing a new paradigm to effectively treat patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis with methotrexate.Academic Article Why?
Gaedigk, AndreaPerson Why?
Ramsey, LauraPerson Why?
Ontogeny and Genetics of NSAID Dose-Exposure Relationship in Preterm InfantsGrant Why?
Identifying genomic and developmental causes of adverse drug reactions in children.Academic Article Why?
McLaughlin, MatthewPerson Why?
Glucuronidation in humans. Pharmacogenetic and developmental aspects.Academic Article Why?
Developmental Expression of CYP2B6: A Comprehensive Analysis of mRNA Expression, Protein Content and Bupropion Hydroxylase Activity and the Impact of Genetic Variation.Academic Article Why?
Wagner, JonathanPerson Why?
Nadler, CyPerson Why?
Goldman, JenniferPerson Why?
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  • Developmental
  • Pharmacogenomics
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