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Pediatric Participation in Medical Decision Making: Optimized or Personalized?Academic Article Why?
Expert Consensus on SABA Use for Asthma Clinical Decision-Making: A Delphi Approach.Academic Article Why?
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation after stem cell transplant: clinical decision-making in the absence of evidence.Academic Article Why?
Clinical Decision-MakingConcept Why?
The Effect of Early Knowledge of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Positivity on Medical Decision Making and Throughput Time Within the Pediatric Emergency Department.Academic Article Why?
Considering Family Resources When Making Medical Recommendations.Academic Article Why?
Controversy About a High-Risk and Innovative Fetal Cardiac Intervention.Academic Article Why?
Do Sociocultural Factors Influence Periviability Counseling and Treatment More Than Science? Lessons From Scandinavia.Academic Article Why?
Ethical Problems in Decision Making in the Neonatal ICU.Academic Article Why?
Growth Hormone Therapy for a Child With Severe Cognitive Impairment.Academic Article Why?
Infant With Trisomy 18 and Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome.Academic Article Why?
Lee, BrianPerson Why?
Retrospective Review of Pharmacogenetic Testing at an Academic Children's Hospital.Academic Article Why?
Should Neonatologists Give Opinions Withdrawing Life-sustaining Treatment?Academic Article Why?
The association of the rapid assessment of supervision scale score and unintentional childhood injury.Academic Article Why?
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  • Clinical Decision Making
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