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Search Results (277)

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St Peter, ShawnPerson Why?
Twelve Tips for Improving the General Surgery Resident Night Float Experience.Academic Article Why?
Hendrickson, RichardPerson Why?
Bridging the Gap: Pediatric General Surgery for the Pediatrician.Academic Article Why?
Rentea, RebeccaPerson Why?
General SurgeryConcept Why?
Oyetunji, ToluPerson Why?
Influence of sub-specialty surgical care on outcomes for pediatric emergency general surgery patients in a low-middle income country.Academic Article Why?
Ghost publications in the pediatric surgery match.Academic Article Why?
The current state of evidence-based pediatric surgery.Academic Article Why?
Snyder, CharlesPerson Why?
Juang, DavidPerson Why?
Demographically associated variations in outcomes after bariatric surgery.Academic Article Why?
Developing criteria for pediatric/adolescent bariatric surgery programs.Academic Article Why?
Monitoring Fatty Liver Disease with MRI Following Bariatric Surgery: A Prospective, Dual-Center Study.Academic Article Why?
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