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Search Results (67)

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Competitive foods in schools: availability and purchasing in predominately rural small and large high schools.Academic Article Why?
Engaging School Communities During COVID-19: The Role of School Nurses.Academic Article Why?
Socioeconomic disparities in elementary school practices and children's physical activity during school.Academic Article Why?
Goldman, JenniferPerson Why?
Elementary school practices and children's objectively measured physical activity during school.Academic Article Why?
Carlson, JordanPerson Why?
Should School Boards Discontinue Support for High School Football?Academic Article Why?
Implementation Strategies and Effectiveness for Walking School Bus ProgramsGrant Why?
Schuster, JenniferPerson Why?
Support for Safe Return to in-Person School: COVID-19 Testing, Learning, and Consultation (School TLC)Grant Why?
Building a National Framework to Pair Scientists and Schools During a Global Pandemic.Academic Article Why?
British secondary school students report frequent abdominal pain with associated physical and emotional symptoms.Academic Article Why?
Managing food allergies in schools.Academic Article Why?
Seasonal influenza vaccination at school: a randomized controlled trial.Academic Article Why?
Advocating for Children During the COVID-19 School Closures.Academic Article Why?
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