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Search Results (16)

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Psychological TestsConcept Why?
Moser, ChristinePerson Why?
Changing Talk Online: Protocol for a cluster pragmatic trial testing communication education to reduce behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia in nursing home care.Academic Article Why?
The relationship of mood, endocrine, and sexual disorders in human immunodeficiency virus positive (HIV+) women: an exploratory study.Academic Article Why?
Depression Screening in Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease Clinics: Recommendations and a Toolkit for Implementation.Academic Article Why?
Use of a brief Smoking Consequences Questionnaire for Adults (SCQ-A) in African American smokers.Academic Article Why?
A comparison of autonomous regulation and negative self-evaluative emotions as predictors of smoking behavior change among college students.Academic Article Why?
Duration of chronic kidney disease reduces attention and executive function in pediatric patients.Academic Article Why?
Parent pain responses as predictors of daily activities and mood in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: the utility of electronic diaries.Academic Article Why?
Randomized Clinical Trial of FIT Teens for Juvenile Fibromyalgia (JFM)Grant Why?
Connelly, MarkPerson Why?
Multi-site Randomized Clinical Trial of FIT Teens for Juvenile FibromyalgiaGrant Why?
Multicenter study of pectus excavatum, final report: complications, static/exercise pulmonary function, and anatomic outcomes.Academic Article Why?
Unmet needs of siblings of pediatric stem cell transplant recipients.Academic Article Why?
The role of parent psychological flexibility in relation to adolescent chronic pain: further instrument development.Academic Article Why?
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