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Search Results (37)

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The use of telemedicine in pediatric psychology: research review and current applications.Academic Article Why?
Addressing Barriers to Career Development Awards for Early Career Women in Pediatric Psychology.Academic Article Why?
Clinical Practice in Pediatric PsychologyAcademic Article Why?
Distinguished Pediatric Psychology Rising Star AwardAward or Honor Receipt Why?
Psychology, ChildConcept Why?
Dreyer Gillette, MeredithPerson Why?
Schurman, JenniferPerson Why?
Davis, AnnPerson Why?
Connelly, MarkPerson Why?
Collaboration with medical professionals in clinical practice: pediatric abdominal pain as a case example.Academic Article Why?
Collecting and managing multisource and multimethod data in studies of pediatric populations.Academic Article Why?
Commentary: Putting tools in context: how pediatric psychologists can leverage science to improve clinical care.Academic Article Why?
Witches, pubertal development, and "minimal risk".Academic Article Why?
Bakula, DanaPerson Why?
Chakawa, AyandaPerson Why?
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  • Psychology Pediatric
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