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Search Results (67)

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Patient-provider communication and patient engagement in HIV programs in MaliGrant Why?
The Role of Patient-Provider Communication in Engagement and Re-engagement in HIV Treatment in Bamako, Mali: A Qualitative Study.Academic Article Why?
Using apps to encourage engagement - a new era in medical education.Academic Article Why?
Adapting effective narrative-based HIV-prevention interventions to increase minorities' engagement in HIV/AIDS services.Academic Article Why?
Beyond the Hashtag-Lack of Strategy Results in Low Scientific Conference Engagement.Academic Article Why?
Group engagement in parent-focused telehealth interventions for families of children with type 1 diabetes.Academic Article Why?
Impact of Perceived Barriers on Patient Engagement and Attitudes towards Transition and Transfer.Academic Article Why?
Implementation of a nurse-driven antibiotic engagement tool in 3 hospitals.Academic Article Why?
Infants' early visual attention and social engagement as developmental precursors to joint attention.Academic Article Why?
Motivational interviewing with significant other participation: assessing therapeutic alliance and patient satisfaction and engagement.Academic Article Why?
Patient engagement and attrition in pediatric obesity clinics and programs: results and recommendations.Academic Article Why?
Strengthening Tobacco 21 implementation and enforcement to reduce tobacco-related health disparities: A stakeholder engagement project.Academic Article Why?
Using motivational interviewing with smokers: do therapist behaviors relate to engagement and therapeutic alliance?Academic Article Why?
Adolescent African Americans' Adoption and Engagement with mHealthGrant Why?
Incorporating genetic data in PCOR studies: building a road map for stakeholder engagementGrant Why?
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