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Search Results (51)

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Improving vaccine risk/benefit communication with an immunization education package: a pilot study.Academic Article Why?
Notes from the Association of Teachers of Preventive Medicine: vaccine risk/benefit communication project.Academic Article Why?
Vaccine risk/benefit communication: effect of an educational package for public health nurses.Academic Article Why?
Childhood vaccine risk/benefit communication in private practice office settings: a national survey.Academic Article Why?
Childhood vaccine risk/benefit communication among public health clinics: a time-motion study.Academic Article Why?
Friedman, ElizabethPerson Why?
Randomized Clinical Trial of a Self-care and Communication Intervention for Parents of Adolescent/Young Adults Undergoing High-Risk Cancer Treatment: A Report From the Children's Oncology Group.Academic Article Why?
Salley, BrendaPerson Why?
Determinants of Use of Safer Conception Strategies Among HIV Clients in UgandaGrant Why?
Communicating Colorectal Cancer Prevention thru Urban African American ChurchesGrant Why?
Evaluating the Feasibility and Acceptability of PrEP-Talk: A PrEP Uptake Intervention for Young Black MSM with their Close FriendsGrant Why?
Evaluation of the HITSystem to Improve Early Infant Diagnosis Outcomes in KenyaGrant Why?
Hurley, EmilyPerson Why?
African Americans in Health Science Research: A University, Community, and Faith-Grant Why?
Interstage Home Monitoring for Infants With Single Ventricle Heart Disease: Education and Management: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association.Academic Article Why?
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