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Search Results (22)

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Using quality improvement methods to increase use of pain prevention strategies for childhood vaccination.Academic Article Why?
Schurman, JenniferPerson Why?
Connelly, MarkPerson Why?
Multi-site Randomized Clinical Trial of FIT Teens for Juvenile FibromyalgiaGrant Why?
Randomized Clinical Trial of FIT Teens for Juvenile Fibromyalgia (JFM)Grant Why?
Wallace, DustinPerson Why?
St Peter, ShawnPerson Why?
Myers, AngelaPerson Why?
Randell, KimberlyPerson Why?
Clements, MarkPerson Why?
Warady, BradleyPerson Why?
Yeh, Hung-WenPerson Why?
Davis, AnnPerson Why?
Attard, ThomasPerson Why?
Dowlut-McElroy, TazimPerson Why?
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  • Pain
  • Prevention
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