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Search Results (45)

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Unplanned hospital readmission after surgical treatment of common lumbar pathologies: rates and causes.Academic Article Why?
Farooqi, MidhatPerson Why?
[Repercussions of the pathology of the central nervous system on the oculomotor system].Academic Article Why?
A tissue-specific gene expression template portrays heart development and pathology.Academic Article Why?
In Tsongalis G eds. Advances in Molecular PathologyAcademic Article Why?
Incidence and outcomes of unexpected pathology findings after appendectomy.Academic Article Why?
Forensic PathologyConcept Why?
PathologyConcept Why?
PathologyDepartment Why?
Pathology & Laboratory MedicineDepartment Why?
Pathology and Laboratory MedicineDepartment Why?
Pathology Department, HospitalConcept Why?
Pathology, ClinicalConcept Why?
Pathology, MolecularConcept Why?
Pathology, OralConcept Why?
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